Map of capital to coast trail
Mongarlowe River at Dasyurus
Hoskinstown: a country village of 140 residents, first settled in 1835
The Great Dividing Range – crossing at 1100 metres
Mulloon Creek Campground at 900 metres in Tallaganda National Park
Mt Palerang – a landmark on the Great Dividing Range
Shoalhaven River Crossing at the Bombay Bridge
Braidwood – service town established 1820’s popn. 1635. Elevation 643. Many heritage listed buildings. Many tourist services
Monga National Park – home to rare and endangered plants and wildlife
The Corn Trail – historic indigenous and settler route from coast to hinterland
Nelligen – historic coastal port town on the Clyde River
Hoskinstown to Mulloon Creek Campground - 16kms
Mulloon Creek Campground to Braidwood - 27kms
Braidwood to Dasyurus (top of Corn Trail) - 27kms
Corn Trail - 16kms
Bottom of Corn Trail to Nelligen - 25kms
TOTAL 111kms