The Shoalhaven River in win
Shoalhaven River at Bombay
Capital to Coast: a journey on foot explores country on a route travelling from Hoskinstown on the edge of the Canberra region to the tidal waters of Nelligen on the South Coast. The well-defined trail reveals a wealth of changing terrain and human purpose.
It is estimated that a reasonably fit hiker could complete the total walk in 5-6 days/4-5 nights. Camping equipment is essential for this. Some hikers however may choose to do a section or sections of the trail. Each section of the trail has good start and finish points that enable vehicle meeting points.
The Capital to Coast Trail is a journey in development. The founder and supporters have proven that it is not only possible but also full of potential for people to enjoy, now. Over the next few years it is hoped that communities up and down the route will work together to ensure its success through the addition of amenities and services.
Shoalhaven River at Bombay bridge in winter
Capital to Coast: a journey on foot offers a slice of eastern Australia from west to east that in a relatively short distance captures many different landforms in one transect.
Starting with the dry plains of the tablelands where sclerophyll forests predominate, crossing over the granite tops of the Great Dividing Range at 1100 metres elevation, traversing the north/south running Shoalhaven River valley, then through the the town of Braidwood and on over farmlands of the western slopes of the escarpment. From here the hiker enters the rich misty native forests on the escarpment crest, before plunging down deep ridges and valleys of the Corn Trail to humid sub-tropical forests and the mangroves of the tidal Clyde River.
Corn Trail along the Buckenbowra River
Monga Lane, Reidsdale
Currently, facilities along the route are limited, with hikers needing to be self-sufficient for food, water and accommodation, with existing opportunities to replenish in the town of Braidwood.
Over time, as the success of the trail develops, the plan is that improvements to facilities and resources will occur.
With this concept in mind the founders of this walk see their role as community based project coordinators, not business entrepreneurs. That role is for individual community members or groups who see the potential for practical investment, in for example; accommodation, local cultural and historical knowledge services; cafés and restaurants, water drops, entertainment, courier/glamping services, guiding etc.
Your input to the development of this project is important. Please send any advice, matters of interest and your experience of this journey to John at