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This is our country : where do I belong

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'Capital to Coast: a journey on foot' is an idea in development. The objective is to establish a hiking trail from the Australian Capital Territory region to the South Coast of New South Wales. The founder and supporters have designed a route and walked its full length. 


The hiking trail begins at Hoskinstown and concludes at Nelligen. Midway on the walk is the town of Braidwood. The route uses existing National Park hiking trails, fire trails, pathways and quiet country roads. The trail charted is approximately 111 kms in total distance. It would also suit mountainbikers.


Capital to Coast: a journey on foot’ is a concept that will appeal to many. People who live in the region who crave to know their country better; visitors to the region who wish to be introduced to this beautiful part of the world; history tragics who want to discover  aboriginal and settler stories; people who are concerned for the environment and the impact of the climate emergency; families and groups who wish to build their commitment and resilience; and thrill seekers who love a physical challenge. 


SShoalhaven pools at Bombay Bridge Reserve


 Shoalhaven River at Bombay Bridge Reserve



John Studholme


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